About Us
Schaff Angus Valley, St. Anthony, N.D., was homesteaded in 1902 and has been in the registered Angus business since 1942, making it one of the oldest on-going Angus herds in North America. It has been in the Schaff family for five generations and has evolved into one of the largest and most recognized seedstock nurseries in the world, hosting 107 Angus production sales to date.
For seven decades, the SAV cow herd has been built with continuous selection pressure and uncompromising breeding commitment to become the foundation of this successful program. The proven cows who surface to the top of the SAV herd are identified and enrolled in an extensive embryo transplant program. Embryos from these elite producers are collected each year to propagate and concentrate their superior genetics and allow SAV to offer multiple sons and daughters of their leading females.
Strong attention to maternal traits, udder quality, fertility and fleshing ability in the SAV cow herd for generations, paralleled with stringent demands on performance, and use of proven sires, have yielded a disciplined program with a worldwide reputation for consistent, reliable, quality Angus genetics with bred-in predictability.

Schaff Angus Valley bulls are
sold in volume and are
affordable to the cowman.
Each year in February, Schaff Angus Valley hosts the largest Angus bull sale in the Dakotas, marketing 600-700 bulls and females in their annual production sale. Genetics are offered in volume and are affordable to the cowman. Large sire groups of progeny by the breed’s leading A.I. sires are featured and sell with the exclusive Schaff Angus Valley "Best Value Guarantee."
Schaff Angus Valley has been gathering carcass information on their cattle since the 1960s and utilizing ultrasound technology since its inception, stacking generations of genetics bred to excel for muscling, feedlot value and end product merit. The sale bulls have an average 365-day ribeye area of 15.1 inches, verifying their visual muscle, while maintaining above breed average marbling. SAV bulls are bred to improve performance, maternal strength, phenotype and carcass quality simultaneously.
Seedstock from Schaff Angus Valley have enjoyed much success in breeding programs, bull test stations, major A.I. studs and cattle shows across the country. Most importantly, they have worked well for the commercial cowman, who provides the real testing ground for any program. Schaff Angus Valley offers full customer support and service to insure customer satisfaction and success.
Schaff Angus Valley welcomes your visit to our ranch anytime throughout the year.